Парень разбил палкой 14 машин в автосалоне

У Эдварта Рота явно выдался плохой день – камеры наблюдения засняли, как 22-летний парень без видимой на то причины устроил погром в дилерском центре
Парень разбил палкой 14 машин в автосалоне

Инцидент произошел поздно ночью (3:30) на площадке автосалона Mazda в Сан Диего (Калифорния).

Запись показывает вполне прилично одетого мужчину, судя по нетвердой походке – выпившего. Телефонный звонок, видимо, стал последней каплей – у парня «сорвало крышу».

Полицейские до сих пор разбираются в причинах столь бурного и неконтролируемого припадка гнева. Известно, что в этом автосалоне машину никогда Рот не покупал и в штате не числился.

Полицейским пришлось применить электрошокер, поскольку горе-вандал замахнулся на офицера.

Материальный ущерб (разбитые окна в 14 машинах и сильно помятые двери еще одной, перевернутый вверх дном офис, выбитые стекла в самом здании) оценивают в 50 тысяч долларов.

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Ed walked back from his home a total mess that night. Not only was it enough that he had a bad day at the office, but after coming home his wife was nowhere to be found. The kids, the furniture, half of the bank account and even the goddamn dog were gone. He was left alone in a hollow shell of a home with nothing but memories and a broken heart.

He picked up his phone and called the woman that he once loved to sort out what the mess was. She told him she was tired of the drinking, tired of the stagnant lifestyle and tired of him. She was already halfway to Bakersfield with the children in tow. She would not be coming back, and the divorce papers could be found on her side of the bed. She figure she needed to tell him as he has not even bothered to look there for almost 6 months now.

In a fit of rage he hangs up the phone and proceeds to try and drown in several bombers of Stone Ruination. Each empty bottle flies across the room and explodes into a glittered mess on the floor and the anger only grows. Fed up with the hollow walls gazing blankly upon him, he hits the streets.

Ed strolls down the street in a daze. Stumbling half blind through the cool night the Ruination starts to fight back. He falls to his knees and loses his liquid dinner all over the cold black ground. He is at rock bottom. Drunk, and passed out in front of a Mazda dealership Ed gazes up to see a brand new Mazda 3. Staring at him. Smiling. Mocking him.

Ed has had enough. The wife, the kids, the goddamn dog. All gone. Something must pay.

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